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Located in Rosemead servicing Rosemead, San Gabriel Valley, Pasadena and surrounding areas

California Garvey Windows: Your Aluminum Window Experts in Rosemead

California Garvey Windows has been providing the home owners of Rosemead with the efficient aluminum window service they need for many years. Repair Windows have always been a staple for home owners looking for a window system that is both flexible and affordable. Aluminum frames can be painted and are strong enough to support almost any style of window. It is no wonder that aluminum is chosen by so many home and business owners in Rosemead.

Why buy Repair Windows?

  • Low maintenance - Aluminum will not swell, crack, or warp over time. It can be left in its finished condition or for additional protection it can be anodized to make it even more durable. Generally an aluminum window will only require a light cleaning every once and a while due to natural dirt and grime that builds up on it over time.
  • Durability - Aluminum is a great material, not only is it is strong but it is also light. This means that it is an easier process for installation and it can take on the daily wear and tear that life throws at it quite easily. Additionally aluminum even ages well. Aluminum “rust” or aluminum oxidation is very hard and actually protects the aluminum from further corrosion. We do not recommend allowing your aluminum to oxides as it lessens the aesthetic appeal, but it is good to know that aluminum naturally protects itself.

Give California Garvey Windows a call today

If you are looking at replacing the windows in your Rosemead home or business, then make sure to contact California Garvey Windows to get the service you want at a price you can afford.

Call Us Now!

Meeting your needs—exceeding your expectations: It’s all in a day’s work for California Garvey Windows. For timely service, affordable prices, and professional staff, we are your number one choice. We’ve helped clients near and far with our committed customer-first approach. And now it’s your turn.

Contact us now to get a free estimate
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